How can I prevent my trashcans from rolling around the neighborhood after they have been emptied?

The best method is to build or buy a curbside trash bin.  This bin should have a cover to keep rain and animals out, and ventilation holes to reduce odors.  A front or side door will prevent the need to lift your cans or bags over the side.  The bin should be just big enough to hold your weekly allotment of garbage cans or trash bags.  Place the bin 8 to 10 feet from the side of the road to avoid snowplow damage.  These bins are also the best way to prevent animals from getting into your trash and spreading it around the neighborhood.  

Another option is to screw a couple of 2x4’s to the outside bottom of your trash can so that it sticks out past the sides about 4 to 6 inches.  This should greatly reduce the amount of rolling from your trashcans.

Please keep in mind that rectangular trashcans will do a lot less roaming than round cans, but any empty can is likely to move around in the wind.  Homes on roads with a lot of truck traffic are especially vulnerable to this problem.